Overton’s Free Newspaper - issued monthly to over 600 homes in Overton

Sept 2002


The Editorial Team

Alan Edwards - David Burton - Ken Farrell - Lesley Pugh - Christine Stead

Our reporters cannot be everywhere.

If you have a story contact any team member or ring 01978 710422

Bowling Club realises a dream

After years of planning, construction work has started on the new Bowling Green adjacent to the Tennis Courts at St Mary's Avenue.

The recent good spell of weather has a enabled excellent progress to be made and the turf could be laid in the next few weeks!

It is problematic that the new Bowling Green will be established and suitable for league bowling next year and contingency arrangements have been made for the 6 league teams to bowl at Bangor-on-Dee Club premises for the 2003 season.

The Club are sorry to leave their present facilities where they have enjoyed bowling for over 40 years, however times change and the village will soon enjoy improved health facilities on the old site and the bowlers will have a Crown Green which will be the envy of many other Bowling Clubs.

Ed: I know that the Club faced many challenges over the last three years, and it must be very rewarding for them to now realise that all their hard work and effort is coming to fruition.

Holiday nearly turns to Disaster by Alan Edwards

Holidaying abroad can always be somewhat of disaster. You arrive at the airport and remember that your tickets are on the kitchen table at home. Or you find that the passport ran out the day before. But these, challenging though they may be, pale into significance when one sees first hand the devastation caused by violent, angry, and debris strewn floodwaters smashing into peoples homes. This was Prague.

As our train eased its way out of Prague for what was to be a short trek into the mountains, we saw first hand the plight of those trapped by the rapidly rising floods. Tables, chairs and other

items of domestic furniture sped past us at a furious pace, as the track became almost level with the river. If we left the train, would we get back.? At each station, families were joining the train with just a few possessions, including hastily made boxes for the pets, including the goldfish. They were the lucky ones - they survived - but many didn't. We were lucky too. We decided to abandon our trek and return to Prague, but were then stranded as the electric supply to the engine was cut off. Fortunately a diesel engine was sent out to rescue us. We finally made it. There were no more trains after that. But we couldn't help thinking of those poor souls who had lost everything in the worst floods in 100 years, and the vision of a poor dog who was obviously left stranded on the roof of a house.

It makes you think how lucky we are and if we do leave the tickets behind, so what - we have a home to go to. What we witnessed was a real disaster.


Commencing 1.00 pm From the Boat Inn to the Cross Foxes 8th September 2002

Letters to the Editor

Dear Sir,

I write to inform your readers of the perils of attending Bangor-on-Dee Racecourse should they, like me, be under the misapprehension that the venue is geared towards "family entertainment". As a guest member, we parked (as we were permitted to) in the Members' Enclosure and set up our tables/chairs. We also set up two charcoal barbeques, and sat back to await the arrival of the rest of our party.

Before we had struck a match, an official approached us to say that a complaint had been registered "from other members" regarding the barbeques, and that we would have to await the adjudication of "the Major" before we were permitted to continue. Needless to say the judgement did not go in our favour.

I would like therefore to firstly thank the petty minded bigots who complained for completely ruining what should have been an excellent day out for our party of twelve, some of whom had travelled for over three hours to be there. Secondly, I would like to thank the course officials for being unable to furnish me with a copy of the course rules (apparently one does not exist ) stating where it is not permissible to light a barbeque. Finally, I wish to inform "the Major's" optician that he is well overdue an eye-test, due to the fact that he completely failed to notice all the other barbeques being held elsewhere.

Needless to say we will not be visiting again, and a word of caution for your readers - cucumber sandwiches only please.

Yours faithfully Martin Mc Donald LLb Overton.

Dear Editor,

On behalf of Overton Playgroup, I would like to thank everyone who helped us to reach our target for the cost of the new roof. As many of you will have noticed, the work is well underway.

Marks and Spencer Finance gave us a substantial donation and further help came from Tim and Claire Rosselli, parents and Mrs Partington and family. I would also like to say a "thankyou" to Ruth Overthrow for running the Teddy Bear fundraiser and to Mr and Mrs Pinder who offered to run a disco to help us with our continuing fundraising. It has been heart-warming to have the support of the local community and to know that the Playcentre now has a greatly extended life and can continue to provide a safe and fun environment for young children.

Thank you.

Julie Done Erbistock.

New Owners at Lightwood Kennels

Tony and Irene Wild have decided to retire from their very demanding business of running the kennels at Lightwood Green and to enjoy more time with their family of dogs. Tony said: "We would like to thank the village for their support and friendship over the years. Irene and I have really enjoyed living in Lightwood Green and would not have moved if it had been possible to separate our home from the business. We extend a welcome to Colin and Julie and hope they will be as happy as we have been."

It is a new venture for Colin and Julie, with Colin spending some time with Tony getting to know the running of the Kennels. Colin said: " We would hope to continue running the business to the same high standards now expected at the kennels although the Wilds were special people and a tough act to follow. Julie used to breed British Short Hair Blue cats, but does not intend to continue with this". Julie said: "We have heard such nice things about the village and we are sure we will be happy here and thank Tony and Irene for their support and welcome."

Wrexham Council launches Environmental Community Grants Scheme

Wrexham Council has set aside £3000 for an Environmental Community Grants Scheme as part of Local Agenda 21. It aims to provide small grants to community groups for environmental projects. Closing date for Stage One applications is Monday 16th September. Forms and further details can be obtained by contacting Alison Watkin on 01978 297029.

It's in the Cards!

Have you ever wondered what the future may hold for you. Then why not get together with a few of your friends and attend one of several Tarot Evenings being organised by Alan Edwards, 1 St Mary's Court, to raise money for MIND, the Mental Health charity. Confidential Tarot readings are being offered for up to six people on a Friday evening each month starting this October. The cost of the private readings will be £10.00 each, which will include a free complimentary glass of wine. Join up with your friends and have an enjoyable evening.

COUNTRY BEAT by Constable Pat Burns

I feel I must warn residents that there has been a significant amount of shed burglaries on the Maelor Section over the last 6 weeks. Farms in particular have been the subject of thefts, where items ranging from car tax to lawn mowers, steam cleaners and diesel oil have been stolen.

Farms are easy targets at this time of year when the occupants are out and about in the fields. Please remember, if you see any suspicious vehicles, write down the registration number and ring the Police as soon as possible - not some weeks afterwards!

Having just started back to work after my annual leave, I was upset to find a letter from Overton Cricket Club together with photographs of the mindless vandalism which had taken place at their Clubhouse. The front had been covered with litter and broken bottles and now the brickwork has been pulled away and vandalised. The sad thing I find is that this has been caused by a number of youths from the village who feel they are a law unto themselves. If you witnessed this vandalism or have any other information relating to the damage, or for that matter any other vandalism elsewhere in the village, please let me know.

Please contact the Police on 01978 290222 when your call will be treated in strict confidence.



The 40 miles or so of Public Rights of Way around Overton include several hundred stiles, many of which become severely overgrown, particularly at this time of year. Farming contractors make a beautiful job of trimming the tops and sides of our hedgerows but are obliged to skip past stiles so that hedge plants tend to grow across a stile, making it difficult to climb over and, in time, completely obstructing it.

So whose responsibility is it to keep stiles clear of overgrowth? The Ramblers' Association states categorically that it is the legal duty of landowners to keep stiles in a good state of repair and free from obstructions.

Which is all very well but, as a walk along any lane around Overton will show, the law, in many instances, is being ignored. So what can be done about it? Complaining to Wrexham Maelor Borough Council might get a result, but with several thousand similarly blocked stiles on their patch they are unlikely to be able to offer very prompt assistance. Some walkers carry a pair of secateurs with them to clear stiles and if every rambler did the same the problem would soon be solved.

Wrexham Council, therefore, is encouraging a plan adopted by many Local Authorities, called 'Adopt a path'. The idea is that individuals should literally adopt just one particular path that they walk regularly, keep any stiles along it free from obstructions and report any other problems regarding it (such as blockages in the form of growing crops, barbed wire, padlocked gates, etc.) to their Community Council who, in turn, will then notify Wrexham Maelor Borough Council.


On a totally different topic I see in the August Newsletter from St. Mary's Church that the organ is in such a poor state that it requires early repair or replacement at a cost of some £20,000. The PCC has, it appears, voted to purchase a second hand organ which, with dismantling costs etc., could still cost around the same figure.

Most villagers will recall that a considerable sum of money was spent only a few years ago on repairing the damage caused to the organ by a major fire. It seems a pity that its 'poor state' was not spotted at the time and therefore taken into account in the Insurance claim. At a time of declining congregations all over the country, £20,000 is going to take some finding by those currently attending St. Mary' Church.

It's a huge project to undertake and I wish them every success.

Local man raises £6,000 for Macmillan Cancer Relief

Richard Jones of Overton recently organised a charity golf tournament at the Vale of Llangollen Golf Club in aid of Macmillan Cancer Relief. Richard said: "I would like to thank everyone who kindly donated, sponsored, or assisted me in any way on the day, and in particular everyone who participated.

With a start time of 5.30 am and each player completing a minimum of 48 holes, the response was terrific.

Although I am still waiting for a couple of cheques to come in, the amount already raised is in excess of a staggering £6,000."

Planning applications granted

Planning permission has been granted in outline by Wrexham County Borough Council for the erection of one dwelling and the construction of a new access on land adjoining Ivanhoe, Willow Street, Overton.

Listed Building Consent has also been granted for alterations and restoration work at Min-yr-Afon, Erbistock, a grade 11 listed building.

Now there's a thought!

If you want your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them, and half as money. Anon