Overton’s Free Newspaper - issued monthly to over 600 homes in Overton

November 2004


The Editorial Team

Maxine Palmer - Sean Clarke - Wally Wilton - David Burton - Lesley Pugh - Euan Stevenson

Our reporters cannot be everywhere.


Overton Supports Macmillan

This year the villagers of Overton joined in the "Biggest Coffee Morning in the World"
My friend and I were discussing a dear Uncle of mine who is nearing the end with terminal cancer, expressing how useless I felt. Later that day I visited the Macmillan nurses web pages, "from small acorns large oaks grow". We both agreed to organise a coffee morning, she in her pub in Oswestry, me at home. We sent off for information packs, in which one states how many people we would invite, I put 10-15. Giving this some further thought I considered that if I held the event in the Village Hall I could probably achieve more than the 10 that I had anticipated.

I displayed a few posters and before I knew it the phone started to buzz, offers of cakes, books and produce came rolling in. I was overjoyed at peoples offers and saddened too by their, like mine, very personal experiences which had influenced their decision to help.

Friday morning my Mother-in-Law, Mother and I set about putting out the cakes. 37 people in total donated, 22 pots of jams and marmalade and a selection of books, we had a raffle. Thank you to all the local shops who donated prizes and to the local people who telephoned with offers of help.
The morning took off .....I registered 47 people through the door and raised a wonderful £245.00. This was all sent to Macmillan, with a request it was to be used locally to fund a further five nurses. In addition to this my friend raised £135.00 in her pub selling just a coffee and a piece of cake. We were both thrilled to do this and astounded by the genuine support shown for such a worthy cause.

I wasn't aware that the event was held last year in the Catholic hall. Next year I intend to prepare a least a month ahead rather than the 10 days that I had this year! Be reassured that next year the event will be publicised more next so hopefully all will be aware.

My heartfelt thanks to those of you who helped despite your illness

Old Timers and New Blood

That look reserved for talking about the deceased or the hushed tones over the telephone come with the question 'So what happened to the old Oracle team then?' Well the 'old team' is still here minus Alan Edwards who was our Editor in chief, but with the addition of new members.

Maxine Palmer is our Production Editor, she says she just 'cut and pastes' but she does far more than that, is rather a zany character and has brought lots of fresh sparkle to the Oracle. Although the Team are volunteers, the editorial position did carry a small remuneration, Maxine has declined to accept any payment as she feels everyone works equally hard.

Community Councillors David Burton and Lesley Pugh were previously part of the Oracle. They represent the Community Council who funds the Oracle, as Chair and Vice-Chair respectively of the Editorial Team. They are very happy that the Oracle is able to continue and are delighted to still be part of it as is Euan Stevenson who has also been able to remain as a valuable team member. Nobody wanted the Oracle to cease publication but it was Alan who had compiled the finished work and David, Lesley and Euan felt they did not have the skill or time to continue the high standard that had been set by Alan.

A new and very welcome member is Sean Clarke who has been taking on the role of roving reporter; he has been bringing in new ideas for special features. We have also been able to introduce a section specifically for children and this is because of the brilliant production by Lela Palin of the Kid's Column. We hope that she continues to receive lots of support for her column.

The Oracle is being run very much as a team effort, each member has the opportunity to contribute ideas and articles that we all discuss. However, we do need the support and input from the community, previously this had dwindled despite several pleas being printed and warnings that the Oracle days were numbered. There must be many stories, anecdotes, club activities, organisations designed to help with for instance travel to medical centres for treatment; if you are involved in anything share it with us. Sometimes small items can be amalgamated with other linked items and 'not being very good at grammar or spelling' often given as an excuse, is not a problem - we have spell check! Anyway it's the content that matters most and we ourselves are not without a whoops or two.

So, there you have us old and new, all we need now is You.

Competition time!

Hey, over the next month we will be holding a calendar design competition! The winner will get their design made into a real calendar and it will be sold in the village shops! The calendar's will be made with mini rip charts (example opposite) All proceeds from the sale of the calendar will be donated to Nightingale House
~The theme is Overton, this means the
buildings, nature Etc..
~The design must be drawn to fit an A5 sheet
of paper (half of an A4 sheet)

So send your designs to the oracle and watch this space for results of the winner.

All entries must be given in by the 01st of December. If you want to enter please drop it through my door at 20 Bangor Road, or No3 Dispensary Row, whichever is more convenient! I will not be judging this competition, it will be done by artistic impartial individuals who will remain anonymous until the end of the competition. Good luck! Lela


Waiter, Waiter! There's a slug in my lettuce.
Sorry madam, no pets allowed here.

Tom: What did the banana say to the elephant?
Mike: I don't know
Tom:Nothing, bananas can't talk!

Knock, Knock
Who's there?
Olive who?
Olive across the Road.

An idiot decided to start a chicken farm so he bought a hundred chickens to start. A month later he returned to the dealer for another hundred chickens because all of the first lot had died. A month later he was back at the dealers for another hundred, for the second lot had also died. "But I think I know where I am going wrong", said the idiot. "I think I'm planting them too deep"

Boy1: I am going to keep this gorilla under my bed
Boy 2: What about the smell?
Boy1:He'll get used to it.

REVIEWS 'The looking glass wars' is written by Frank Beddor. The story is a take on the tales of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol.

I thought this book was wonderful! I wouldn't change a thing. It was witty and imaginative and I would definitely buy another book by Frank Beddor!
He must have put a lot of thought into this book, making up counter parts for Lewis Carrols book must have been very difficult. I know that the critics were very tough on this book, saying that it was a disgrace to the masterpieces that Lewis Carrol wrote but if you are going to read it you have to take it light heartedly. Rating:10/10

European insight....St Mary's School will be participating in a Comenius project. They are developing links with schools in Italy, Germany, Norway and the Netherlands. The first year of the project will look at food and home life. Each country has sent a cuddly toy to represent their country (St Mary's has sent "Dewi the Dragon") with a booklet containing recipes and photographs of their school and local area. Early years have received their first toy-Pinocchio from Italy and have been busy making pizza from the recipe he has brought with him, he will also be visiting the homes of some of the children and sampling life in a Welsh household (will he go to the Recreational Club?) With the help of the children he will then write a diary of his experiences and take some photographs for his album before moving onto Norway at the end of October. Years 1 and 2 will then be hosting a puppet from Germany. At the end of the year Dewi will return home with his completed book.. There will be a European week in school where all will get the chance to try out the different recipes he brings back.


The Eastern Division of North Wales Police has recently set up a department to tackle all aspects of vehicle crime. This team of specially trained officers, following in the footsteps of the very successful burglary unit, are dedicated to investigating every vehicle crime throughout the county. By comparing evidence and similarities of each case, it enables the offender to be identified and arrested much earlier before he or she has time to commit further offences.

This department is making a big difference to the number of crimes being committed, but 80% of crime is carried out by opportunists. If owners carried out the most simple of actions by locking their vehicles and not leaving anything of value on view, the number of offences would be far lower and obviously the number victims far less. A couple of local residents learned this the hard way recently. One awoke to find that his vehicle had been stolen. Unfortunately he had gone to bed not only leaving his car unlocked but with the keys hanging from the sun visor. The other had his mobile telephone stolen in broad daylight. Unfortunately he had left the very expensive phone in full view on the dash board of his unlocked van. Remember to place everything out of view. You may know that the carrier bag on the back seat only contains your dirty laundry but a thief may think it is full of CD's and will only realise his or her mistake after they have smashed you car window.

On a separate issue, following last months Oracle regarding youths drinking in the village prior to attending the youth disco. I would like to thank all the parents who took the trouble to drop their children off and collect them from the door at the October event. I am glad to say that there were no incidents of nuisance behaviour reported to the police that night. Thank you
Darren King, Constable 1360.The Police Station

Remembrance Sunday

Remembrance Sunday falls on November 14th this year and the British legion, along with the Scouts, Brownies and pupils from St Mary's School will be laying wreaths at the Cenotaph in the High Street. The parade will start from Peel Close at 10.55am and form up in the High Street to observe the Silence and lay wreaths before going into St Mary's Church for the Service of Remembrance.


  • Life just got faster.....Broadband is coming to Overton-on-Dee in the New Year.
  • Found at 10.40hrs on 16.09.04 on the driveway of 26, Bangor Road, Overton. 1 Ladies wrist watch in silver metal. The item is now in the Police Station awaiting to be claimed.
  • Found in School Lane, small dog with studded collar Tel 01978 822010

Yew'll like this.....Extract from the Wrexham Leader Property page as printed:
This is a modern detached family property offering well proportioned four bedroom and three reception room accommodation in the village of Overton-on-Dee which has good day to day facilities including shops, school and ancient church with its famous Ewe trees.

If you observe any amusing typing errors (excluding the usual ones in the Oracle ) let us have them, I will be happy to add an illustration to give further credence to the error!! Thanks David for this months observation.

Community Council Notice.....
Please note that Rob Wilkinson, the Wrexham Borough Council Director of Highways, has been invited to the next Community Council meeting (Tuesday 9th November at 7.30pm.) If you have any queries regarding speed limits, speed bumps, road maintenance or other general transport/highway policies, please put your questions IN WRITING to Mrs. K Crockford, (OCC Clerk) 7 Salop Road for presentation at the meeting.

Scouting in Overton.

Scouting in Overton is alive and well. There are currently Scouts from 101/2 to 14 and Explorer Scouts from 14 to 18. Sept. 24th -26th saw us camping at Cox Wood, felling a couple of trees to clear our campsite and using the timber to create a gateway. The intrepid lumberjacks are pictured by their work here.
The weather was good to us and it is amazing what you can cook on an open fire with a bit of ingenuity, even a three course meal finishing with apple and (local hand picked) blackberry pie.
Several members went, with Scouts from all over Wrexham District, to a summer camp at Kanderstag in Switzerland. The stories on their return show all had a good time.
We're a friendly crowd and if anyone, male or female, is interested in joining us, or wants to know more, just come along and say hello on Friday night 7:00pm at the Scout Hut, Playing Field. Alternatively give Tony a ring on 01978 780544.

Younger People. If you are not old enough to join Scouts, you might like to know that Cubs are starting back up in Bangor-on-Dee, Wednesday evenings, from 6:30pm.
You must be over 8 to join, again if you want to know more pop along or give Tony a call on 01978 780544.

Tony Grice
Scout Leader

Fishy Tales from the Ancient Raj ......

There has been a chip shop in Overton in various guises for the last sixty years serving up a staple diet of fish and chips. Around eight years ago the premises on Bangor Road underwent an extensive refurbishment, creating a take-away and offering mainly English fare until its current owner, Abdul Hussain, purchased the business in March 2001.

Following a kitchen conversion to accommodate the Tandoori ovens, the Restaurant was re-named 'The Ancient Raj' and began to trade in Indian cuisine. "I sell traditional food from a modern building," explained Abdul, the title reflected his aim.
Interested in the man behind the Madras, I wondered how he had settled upon Overton, "I owned an Indian Restaurant in Ellesmere", he explained, "And took the opportunity when the place came on the market".

After three and a half years here, Abdul has settled well into the village although it hasn't always been plain sailing, "there was a complaint about the smell of food when we first started, and the council investigated", he explained, " but they were happy and I've had no problems since". It's now more likely that people would complain about enticement than pungency.

The outlets popularity isn't a unique phenomenon. Abdul explained that Fish and Chips and Indian take-a ways are the two best selling products in the U.K. at present so it's not surprising that business is booming. Such is the demand that the chip shop is now open on a Monday, so you really can treat yourself to those generous portions throughout the week!

You may have noticed that the restaurant telephone number ends in the numbers 999 and I asked if this had prompted any enquiries for an emergency Chicken Korma, but sadly not. I'm still trying to suppress the mental images conjured up by the G.P. Surgery digits...

Apart from providing good food conveniently, the business has integrated well within the community. The village Football Team bears its brand, and Overton Playgroup pupils have sampled the food through 'taster' sessions, organised by the Teachers- now that is a lesson in growing your customer base.

Wedding Bells in San Francisco By David Burton

Chris Burton, younger son of David and Jill Burton, Maelor Court, Overton married Miss Sarah Warnes, daughter of David and Marilyn Warnes, Los Altos, California at the Picchetti Winery near San Francisco on Friday September 10th.

The best man was Mr David Lambert of Eyton, Wrexham; the chief ushers were the groom's brother Mr James Burton and the bride's brother Mr Gary Warnes. Another of the groomsmen was Mr Wayne Haynes of Wrexham Road, Overton.

Many of the couples friends and families from the UK flew out to California to join in the celebrations. The honeymoon was a whale watching cruise to Alaska. The happy couple have made their home in the city of Belmont, about 20 miles south of San Francisco

The Overton Amateur Dramatic Society Presents
18th, 19th and 20th November.
Village Hall

A Victorian Thirller by Patrick Hamilton . A costume drama, which deals with issues of social class, male dominence , female subservience and madness in Victorian England

Tickets available from the chemist a week prior to the event

Murder Mystery Event.....

An evening of murder and suspense and a lot of fun on Friday 26th November, when the Overton Village Hall becomes Flapper Hall in the 1920's. Right from the start, the audience is involved as fellow guests at a house party. Over the course of the social evening from 19;30hrs - 22;00hrs, one will meet fellow guests, and there will have the opportunity to deduce who the victim is to be and the weapon and location used. Later in the evening will be another opportunity to exercise ones power of detection when invited to guess who the murderer is and the motive!

The events are presented by a troupe of visiting actors who aim to be funny entertaining rather than scary, making this a suitable event for you and old alike.

Prizes for the local sleuth who scores the most points. Tickets for the sum of £5 available from the Chemist inclusive of light refreshments with "bring your own" drinks.

An evacuee returns.....

I have many amazingly clear memories of my time in Overton 1940 when I lived, at the age of two and a half with Mrs Haynes and her daughter Marie at the top of the village.

My parents visited whilst I was there and left me some "cini" film, some in colour and some in black and white which may be of interest to people with an interest in the history of Overton during WWII.
Two years ago I had the film converted to video and then on to DVD and Julia was able to see the result before she died in Plymouth in January 2003.

Now, having retired, I have moved up here to Chirk and plan to visit Overton again in the coming months and would be pleased to show anyone the video or DVD. I will be good to make contact with a village of which I have fond and vivid memories, even so long ago.

Philip Gosling
(email gosling@speakersagency.com)

My father the comic strip hero.........

The Eagle 13 October 1962 featured a very personal super hero for Katharine Crockford, her Father.

Two years earlier Colin Turner then a gunner in the Army was sitting with a friend beside the canal when they saw a boy and a little girl pass. Later , they heard the boy shouting and looking up saw smoke. The little girl has fallen onto the live electric track her dress alight, her arm across the line.

With disregard to his own safety he detached the girl from the track and threw her to his companion and then threw himself off the track as the approaching train passed. His brave action saved the Childs life. Colin was awarded the British Empire Medal (Military Division)

When asked to comment about the award he said "| was very surprised, I had almost forgotten about the whole thing. The award came as a shock, but I was very thrilled" The boys comic highlighted his act of bravery in a story to hopefully save other lives and deter children from playing by live railway lines. Thirty years after saving her life the little girl made contact with Katharine's father again to invite him to her wedding. A example of how one act can influence so much.

Featured is the page of the Eagle, as printed in 1962. If anyone else has any stories of heroism perhaps you could contact us, we would love to feature them.