July 2000

Overton’s Free Newspaper - issued monthly to over 600 homes in Overton

The Editorial Team

Alan Edwards - David Burton - Ken Farrell - Maureen Evans - Lesley Pugh

Our reporters cannot be everywhere.

If you have a story contact any team member or ring 01978 710422

128 Miles through the Welsh Marches on a bike.

On the 14th May, Margaret Samson of Millwood Rise, Overton, set off on a 128 mile cycle ride to meet her family in Herefordshire. This was undoubtedly a great adventure for Margeret, who journeyed alone. There were no sponsors, there was no back up team, just the support from people she met along the way. This is her story.

Inculdes Photograph


A blooming good flower festival.

The three day Flower Festival held on the 16th, 17th and 18th June was undoutedly a huge success and was yet another tribute to the wonderful spirit of co-operation that exists in Overton. Each of the three Churches was beautifully decorated with floral displays depicting Biblical texts, including the Creation and the life of Christ.

A week-end of superb weather attracted many visitors to the Festival who then went on to the Village Hall to see the impressive display of photographs and memorabilia depicting life in Overton, all of which met with universal praise.

Congratulations and thanks to the many people who helped to make both events so eminently succesful.

Local Police appeal to motorists.

Complaints of speeding motorists in the village have become regular. Consequently, local people will have seen the recent activity of traffic Police Officers in Station Road, and many people have been reported for speeding. This initiative will continue. We are now becoming most concerned at the speed motorists choose to travel along School Lane, particularly at school drop off and pick up times.


Fed up with receiving "junk mail"?

If you wish to put an end to receiving ‘junk mail’ or calls from tele-sales people, who for some reason always seem to be called Andy or Sharon, contact one or more of the following agencies. You should see a significant reduction within 4 - 6 weeks.


Youth discos receive praise.

The Overton Youth Advisory Committee, which runs the junior discos in Overton to raise funds for the youth club, has received praise for the way it has addressed the problems associated with previous Discos. It has received a letter from the parents of a 14 year old who regularly attends the Youth Discos, in which they say how impressed they are with the new levels of supervision being used.


Golden Celebration for Canon Hywyn Jones.

At a special service on Sunday 18th June the parishioners of St Mary's Church were delighted to help Cannon Hywyn celebrate 50 years in the ordained ministry.

Inculdes Photograph


An illuminating scheme.

A new floodlighting scheme is being installed in the churchyard of St Mary’s Church, and a new pathway has been constructed to safeguard one of the oldest yew trees in Britain, thought to be over 2000 years old.

Wrexham’s Planning Proposals for the next 10 years.

Wrexham County Borough Council has placed on public deposit, copies of the Wrexham Unitary Development Plan. This covers the administrative area of the County Borough and will eventually supersede existing adopted development Plans, namely the Wrexham Maelor Local Plan: Forward to 2001, the Glyndwr District Local Plan, and the Clwyd Structure Plan.

It provides a framework for local decision making and indicates the provision to be made for housing, employment and other major land uses: the broad locations for development and the areas where policies for restraint may be necessary. The plan is available for inspection until the 4th August. A copy may be inspected in Overton Library.

Roanne Air Show invitation

As reported in a previous issue of the Oracle , the British Consul General, Lyon, has extended an invitation to the community of Overton to attend a special air show in France to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Battle of Britain. This is being staged with the co-operation of the RAF and will take place on the 10th September.



Dear Editor,

Readers of the the Wrexham Leader's popular column "Looking Back", written by our well informed local historian will have been intrigued by his recent article on Knolton Mission, in which he tells us that in 1887 the then Rector, the Rev. GJ. Howson was the inspiration behind the setting up of the Mission Hall in what was essentially "an act of outreach", aimed at local people who did not wish to make the journey to St Mary's to conduct their worship. Where our local "Tin Church" differs from the many other similar ones which are being closed down all over the country is that after 113 years nothing has changed. Unlike other churches which have lost their congregations ours still retains a dedicated body of supporters who, despite being locked out by the very people who should be supporting them, are prepared to meet and worship outside in all weathers rather than switch to St Mary's.
