Overton’s Free Newspaper - issued monthly to over 600 homes in Overton

April 2006



Happy Easter to all our readers and our distribution team

Calor Village of the Year Competition
by Councillor David Burton

At the meeting in March Overton Community Councillors agreed to enter this year’s Calor Village of the Year Competition. The Competition being run for the 10th year under the umbrella of the Campaign for the protection of Rural Wales, awards innovative communities that work together, includes everyone and embarks on projects to make their local environment better. Villages don’t need to be “pretty” or “quaint” just have to have a strong sense of community. They are looking for communities that have a pride in themselves. That have tackled problems and have engaged all sectors of the community to work together to make a better place to live for everyone. Entry is a simple matter of filling in one or all of the categories on the entry form. Further information can be found on the Calor Village information can be found on the Calor Village website www.calorvillageoftheyear.org

The Council decided that interest and assistance shpuld be sought from the wider community, not just members of the Council and agreed that Clerk of the Council, Katharine Crockford, should co-ordinate the effort. If you are interested in helping please contact Katharine on 710055.

Where are they now?

“Twenty one years ago this year the village pantomine was Aladdin, these six punk girls of the village danced to the music of Staus Quo. Four of them are respected ladies of the village, one works here and the sixth lives just just outside the village, so no prizes to identify them. However for a bit of fun let us know who you think they are. Next month we will reveal all!”

Ask for I.D. .......

An incident took place in the Penley area last week involving a local resident being visited by a possible bogus caller.

The resident was approached at her home by a male informing her that workmen who had been working in the area had damaged a water pipe, and that he needed to enter her house to check the water. Te resident acted very sensibly by first locking the door leaving the male outside as she went to check the water herself. This male then became agitated and eventually left.

He is described as being a white male, early 20’s 5’4”, with a slight build, dark hair, strong accent and wearing a white jacket. No genuine representatives of utility companies were in the area at the time. Most of the utility companies, Dee Valley Water and Wrexham County Borough Council all operate “The National Cold Calling Protocol” which reduces the need for employees to make unannounced visits, and encourages householders to check the identity of unannounced callers before admitting them to their home.

By Constable Darren King

Right, now I’ve got your attention, please read on.

As you will know, Bangor on Dee races are becoming more and more popular with the weekend races attracting crowds in excess of 6,000 people. This is a definite plus to the local economy and no doubt there is an increase in passing trade, but unfortunately this also means an increase in the number of vehicles trying to travel down our narrow lanes and village roads, and if left unaddressed, this problem can only get worse.

To combat this, the police together with the Racecourse, Highways department, Overton and Bangor on Dee Councils are looking at initiatives to alleviate the problem, the main one being the possible installation of a temporary one way traffic system to and from the racecourse ground to ensure that the large number of vehicles do not cause gridlock or accidents. If this idea is approved it should make a dramatic difference to the flow of traffic, especially at the end of the races where the numbers are more concentrated with everybody leaving at once. In order to make it work though, we need your help.
We are asking for police volunteers who could help with traffic control before and after the races. You will be provided with a fluorescent jacket and full training, and the Racecourse has agreed to FREE ENTRY to all volunteers on the days you assist. All you would have to do is direct the traffic around the stated route, (which will also be signposted), and in between your ‘tours of duty’ you can attend the races.
So if you enjoy horse racing, and would like to do a service for the community, then this could be ‘right up your street’, literally.
If you like the sound of this please let me know, either in person, via telephone, E-mail, or note through the door. Ideally we need about a dozen people, (approximately 2-4 each race day), who could share the duties via a rota so you don’t have to attend every event...Please give it some thought.

Darren King Constable 1360. Community Beat Manager for The Maelor Section. The Police Station, Station Road, Overton, Wrexham.LL13 OEF. Telephone: 0845 607 1002 ex 35420.
Fax: (01978) 294 771. E-mail: darren.king@north-wales.police.uk

Ramblings From the Rectory
By David Lewis

Dear Friends,

I think Easter is most people’s favourite time of the year with its message of new life and hope. Spring has arrived, the nights are getting longer and everyone feels reinvigorated after the long winter.

One of the many legends surrounding Easter is of the Easter Bunny. The actual name Easter comes from Estore, the old Anglo Saxon Goddess of Spring. The hare was sacred to Estore and ritual hare hunts took place at this time so that sacrifices might be made to the Goddess. And this is doubtless why the hare or rabbit became associated with Easter.

There are many customs regarding the Easter Bunny….

In Australia it is the custom for children to make Easter bunny nests in their gardens from twigs and moss. Their parents will then put Easter Eggs and chocolate into the nests for children to have fun finding.

For me it all adds to the magic of this wonderful season of new beginnings and hope where Christians believe Jesus rose from the dead and offers us all the promise of new life. Wherever we are in life, whatever we face, the message of hope that Easter brings can touch all of our lives and reinvigorate us. Our Risen Lord offers to fill our hearts with his marvellous love and the hope of new life.

May I wish you all a very Happy Easter.

Your Friend and Rector

Your Letters...

Dear Maxine

Re: Your Letters Page 2 / Overton Oracle Volume 8 Issue 3 March 2006

As this letter has been printed anonymously it is difficult for readers to determine that the “local Overton-on-Dee Pharmacy” did not contribute these comments.

I would be pleased should you receive similar letters / contributions that you clarify this to your readers. Many Thanks.
Nialyn Jones - Pharmacist.
B.S.C (Hons), M.R Pharms
Cert.Clinical Pharmacy

Best Bite ...

Over the last few weeks I have had to purchase take away sandwiches and rolls from a variety of establishments. The rolls from our Overton Corner Shop come way out on top for freshness, content and value for money, their cakes are very tempting too. Lesley Pugh

We try to print all material submitted to us in the Oracle—to encourage a variance of view and opinion - therefore, as long as you submit your name & address with your contribution—but specify if you wish to not have your details printed—your material can still be printed—we do not print anonymous material received with out a name.

By Lela Palin

note ...Hey.
Hope everyone’s having a good, um…April..

So I’m not sure if this is going be published before or after Easter or whatever, but I hope everyone has a good holiday.

I just want to say thanks to Maxine for all the hard work she does putting together the Oracle every month and Jenny for all her work for the kids page.

By Jenny England

Big Momma’s House 2

Hi guys, me again! Absolutely brilliant, Big Momma’s House 2 is great! Very funny with a good story line that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Maybe for older kids, as younger ones may not understand the humour. Great fun, enjoyable and interesting all rolled into one. A highly recommended film! 9/10
Four & Half Stars.

Legend of the Polycrystal
By L Palin and J Bush

Recommended ages 12+ for violence, mild language and thematic elements.

It’s the year of 3183 and the fate of the world has yet again landed into the hands of eight kids. Will they band together and succeed?

Or will they break apart, and fail –just like their preceding heroes?
The Adventure begins at http://legendop.tripod.com

So yeah, a story me and one of my best mates have been working on for a few months now and feel it is ready to go public. For those of you interested, a new chapter is added every two weeks. So far we’ve had 257 hits, but we are hoping for tons more readers.

If you do decide to try reading it, please feel free to leave feedback, sign our guest book and join our mailing list.

© 2006 by Jill Bush and Lela Palin
All Rights Reserved
(That means no stealing or reproducing in any form without our permission)

People in Profile- Pat Marks

Few people are aware that Pat was the winning entrant in the original competition to name the ‘Overton Oracle’ and it was her suggestion that bore the village’s monthly newsletter. That was back in the late nineteen ninety’s and we caught up with Pat More recently for our “People in Profile” feature. Here’s how she responded; (apologies for the delay in the printing of this interview, which is reflected slightly in the answers —Maxine)
What was the last book you read?
It was The Seven Dials by Ann Perry. It’s a Murder/Mystery novel set in the Victorian era. I’ve read all of her books so far and I like them because of the old fashioned methods of detection that they feature.

What was the last Album/piece of music that you listened to?
Queen - Made in Heaven. I am a big Queen fan. Even though it has been released for some time I still listen to it regularly, - it’s great for doing the ironing to!

What was the last film that you went to see/watched at home?
Nanny McPhee last night on DVD. It was a good family film, though a little sad at the end without giving too much away.

Describe your last Eating Out experience.
The last meal out that I really enjoyed was at Nelsons Eye Seafood Restaurant in Jersey. The food was great and the Portuguese waiter was very entertaining.

Where was your last holiday?
It was in Plymouth and Jersey. It was particularly memorable as it was my 50th Birthday and my first ever time flying. I didn’t mind the trip out but the return journey wasn’t pleasant due to the turbulence. The holiday was great and the people were very friendly. We visited the War Tunnels that the Germans had built in to the side of the rock – it was very poignant.

What was the last Sporting Event that you watched/participated in?
I’ve been watching the Winter Olympics lately. All the events are interesting, Bobsleigh, Ski-Jumping, Ice Skating, all of them have been good. I watch every year.

What was the last thing that made you laugh? you enjoyed?
It was Top Gear’s version of the Winter Olympics. Hammond built a barrier at the bottom of a Ski jump to prevent the Mini, which they had propelled by rockets, from going to far. Unfortunately there were two ramps and his barricade was at the bottom of the wrong one…

The Wrexham Advertiser Nov 15th 1892

The final part of material submitted by Mary Hilton Jones previously printed in the Wrexham Advertiser in 1892 of the high jinks at Byn y Pys.

In the leading wagon was Mr S Peate holding the illuminated address, to be presented to Mr Peel and the procession was closed by the scholars who marched headed by their banner.

The march to the mansion was safely made and the procession marched by the Hall in front of which were Mr Edmund Peel, Mr & Mrs Hugh Peel and members of the family. A space was cleared for the making of the presentation address. The committee wished Mr Peel to accept it as an expression of good will from his kind-hearted friends (cheers)

Following the presentation, the band performed an excellent variety of music and there was then a full programme of horse racing and sports. Dancing took place in the evening and the enclosure was illuminated by Chinese lanterns, supplied by Mr Schotcher of Wrexham who at times discharged some huge crackers. During the day Mr Peel and Mr Edmund Peel and the house party visited the ground and were cordially received. In the evening a huge bonfire was lit in a neighbouring field.

Overton Local Notes November 1892 – that Mary has found for us (before the days of the Oracle—but even then there was a roving reporter!!!)

Sir Robert Cunliffe drove to Bryn y pys in a carriage attend the Ball. On arriving there one of the horses dropped down dead.

The heads of the beasts, whose carcasses formed a prominent part of the procession, are in the taxidermists’ hands. The beef was fairly distributed among 300 people on Wednesday Mr Edmund Peel’s gift to his son on attaining his majority was a brace of guns which cost £80 each.

The court ball at Bryn y Pys 15th Nov 1892 for the 21st Birthday of Hugh Peel.

In the evening a Ball was given by Mr Edmund Peel, for which the most ample provision was made. A pavilion was erected in front of the houses by Mr Wellstad and he did his work to the up most satisfaction. The building joined the conservatory and the drawing room and dining-room were en-suite. The decorations, which were entrusted to Mr George Howe, 41 Wigmore Street, London were of the most tasteful kind.

The fabrics which lined the walls had been specially woven and printed. The prevailing colour was golden copper and Mr Howe had most cleverly arranged everything to preserve the colour harmony. A large number of palms came from Messrs J Laing & Sons of Forest Hill London. Mr Bagshawe, the gardener, was able to produce form the Bryn y pys conservatories a magnificent adornment of the place. Dan Godfrey’s string band discoursed music.

The entrance was arranged as an arcade, having cloakrooms on either side. The splendid rooms were illuminated by the electric light. There were numerous glow-lamps which threw a soft light on the scene, tinged with the golden copper hue which pervaded everywhere. A dynamo was sent down specially and the engine of Mr Newnes of Marchweil drove it very satisfactorily. The drive walk was lighted by powerful arc lights. It is needless to say that the Ball proved a brilliant one and was attended by a large number of people.

Bernard J. Helliwell

It is with regret that we inform the village community of the death of Bernard Helliwell. Bernard, who lived in the village for some 30 years, died suddenly on Saturday, 12th March as a result of a tragic accident whilst walking on the moors above Halifax.

Although born in Liverpool, he had lived in the West Riding for most of his teen years before Army service and the teaching profession claimed him. He opted for early retirement 20 years ago to spend more time in his beloved garden and the great outdoors.

A very quiet and self-contained man, he will be missed by all who knew him and partook of his knowledge. His wife, Ann, has adhered to his specific request that there be no funeral.
Ann intends to remain in Overton where they had made their home.

She would like to thank her friends and neighbours for their helpful and sympathetic support during this trying time.

Twinning News Update – 2006.
By Catherine Starkey

We are expecting 17 guests, due to arrive on Sunday 30th July for one week. There are two new families and a selection of old as well as well as new visitors – any offers for accommodation please let me know.

Melanie, daughter of Nadine & Jean-Pierre is coming over to stay for the whole of July and will start of at “Home Farm” with the Starkeys but we are away 19th to 26th July can anyone else can help for that week? She plans to move Sue and James Glover’s for the Twinning week to be joined by her friend Marielle.

Fundraiser – A joint banquet with the Amateur Dramatics will take place Saturday 13th May at 19:30 hrs. Help is needed in the form of Apples pie’s / Bread & Butter Pudding (The Twinning are responsible for war time puds) The banquet will be based on “The War Years” with an excellent evening of entertainment and food (rationed, of course it is BYO drink and tickets go on sale Sunday 9th April form Glynis Farley. These sell very quickly – the hall will be decorated and costume can be worn. There will be two raffles, luxury war goods, luxury food stuffs.

AGM – TWINNING Monday 24th April 19:30hrs Village Hall.

Many Thanks to all Friends of Brenig
by Myra Worthington

This is his short story……

After losing our 7 year old, Old English Sheepdog Barney to leukaemia. We decided a few weeks later to look for a puppy. Because we wanted a puppy plus it’s tail, I contacted a lady named Pauline Baines who is the founder of the anti docking alliance, she gave me a list of breeders who would be willing to leave a tail on a dog if we contacted them before the puppies were born and paying money up front was also required. We were not too happy about this because we could not choose which puppy we would like. Then one day in October Pauline contacted me and said there was a lady near Hastings, who’s Bitch had given birth to eight Old English puppies and was leaving the tails on all of them.

We did not fancy travelling to Hastings at the beginning of December but we rang the lady who said that she would be able to bring a puppy as far as Chepstow where her daughter was living, so we agreed and I sent off the deposit. We kept in touch over the Internet and Anne sent us pictures of the puppies each week. We eventually chose which one we liked and we chose the name Brenig and Anne started to call him by his chosen name.

Then on the 04th of December 2005 we set off on a Sunday. Vince, Christopher and myself had a lovely scenic drive through Hereford and down past Tintern Abbey, we arrived about 1pm at the Tiddenham Equestrian Centre the rendezvous for meeting Anne and the handing over of our new puppy.

We have the memories of taking him to see our neighbour George at the hospice where everyone fell in love with him. He was ever so good; he put his head on George’s feet and fell asleep.

On New Year’s Eve we gave up our night out and stayed at home with Brenig. After midnight we went outside to hear the church bells, Brenig came too, he lay down on the front lawn and could not have cared less about all the fireworks, he was so placid and children just loved him. We had so much fun with him while it lasted and we would like to say thank you to all those dog lovers who gave us hugs, when we really needed them, flowers and cards some of which were home made ones from children. It is nice to know that friends were there for us and I am sure Brenig would have loved to know how popular he was.

Nothing will bring Brenig back but we have decided to have another puppy because our house is so empty without a four-legged friend. However it is not going to be easy for us to be relaxed with our new puppy. If a dog has shown any kind of aggression, owners should keep them on a lead o fenced in their garden. That way a puppy stands a chance of growing up. How can you introduce a puppy to other dogs without them being attacked? How do you tell which dogs are aggressive? Responsible owners should know and warn!

“I Hope you Dance....'”
This was written by an 83 year old woman to her best friend. The last line says it all.

Dear Bertha,

I'm reading more and dusting less. I'm sitting in the yard and admiring the view without fussing about the weeds in the garden. I'm spending more time with my family and friends and less time working.

Whenever possible, life should be a pattern of experiences to savour, not to endure. I'm trying to recognise these moments now and cherish them.

I'm not saving anything; we use our good china and crystal for every special event such as losing a pound, getting the sink unblocked, or the first amaryllis blossom.

I wear my good blazer to the market. My theory is if I look prosperous, I can shell out 28.49 for one small bag of groceries. I'm not saving my good perfume for special parties, but wearing it for the clerks in the hardware store and tellers at the bank.

'Someday' and 'one of these days' are losing their grip on my vocabulary. If it's worth seeing or hearing or doing, I want to see, hear and do it now!

I'm not sure what others would've done had they known they wouldn't be here for the tomorrow that we all take for granted, I think they would have called family members and a few close friends. They might have called a few former friends to apologise and mend fences for past squabbles. I like to think they would have gone out for a Chinese dinner or for whatever their favourite food was.

I'm guessing, I'll never know.

It's those little things left undone that would make me angry if I knew my hours were limited. Angry because I hadn't written certain letters that I intended to write one of these days. Angry and sorry that I didn't tell my husband and parents often enough how much I truly love them. I'm trying very hard not to put off, hold back, or save anything that would add laughter and lustre to our lives. Every morning when I open my eyes, tell myself that it is special.

Every day, every minute, every breath truly is a gift from God.

"People say true friends must always hold hands, but true friends don't need to hold hands because they know the other hand will always be there."
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance

Overton Medical Practice News

There is a new semi enclosed cubicle being designed to fit onto the end of the reception counter. This can be used at any time if you feel you would like your conversation to take place a little more privately. Several members of staff are local people, known to many of you. We felt that perhaps we should remind patients that we operate a code of conduct which means we maintain confidentiality at all times regarding anything that happens within the confines of the surgery. Just regard the staff like the three wise monkeys, see all, hear all and say nothing!

Regarding saying nothing, we are still finding people are failing to turn up for appointments; one doctor had five ‘no-shows’ in one day. These appointments could well have been offered to other people and it is incredibly thoughtless of the offenders. There can hardly ever be a reason why if you telephone to make the appointment you cannot telephone to cancel.

Holiday time is drawing near and some parts of the world require you to have additional immunisations; we can help with advice and organising appointments to cover your individual needs. Do please give us sufficient time prior to your departure to obtain the necessary facts.

Bird flu is still very much the topic of the News. So far all humans infected with ‘bird flu’ have a history of close contact with infected birds. The risk of humans catching it is extremely low but nevertheless possible. Remember up until now no human to human spread has occurred and you cannot catch bird flu from eating cooked chicken.


A third “Arts and Crafts” fair will be held in May, giving locals the opportunity to exhibit their work. The event will take place in St.Mary’s church, which will be open for this Spring fair every day between 10.00 am and 5.00 pm on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday – 24th to 27th May inclusive.
This has proved a popular event in the past. Many people just love to spend an hour or two coming in and browsing. Others value the opportunity to display the work they have so lovingly worked on. Many items are also submitted which are available for sale.

The organisers hope that many people will submit their pieces of work – no point in “hiding your light under a bushel” – share the fruits of your labour with the community.
To submit items ( either for exhibition only or for exhibition and sale ), please contact :
Keith Overthrow ( 710544 ) or Euan Stevenson ( 710618 )
or Rector David Lewis ( 710229 )

Changing With the Times
By Myra Worthington

George’s daughter San sent it to George after finding it in an antique venue that she had been to down in the South of England. It had been sent to someone in 1905 so that puts some idea of the date around when this was taken. The modern photo was taken March 2006. The road was narrower in 1905. The wall on the left of the picture was taken back to widen the corner and also the footpath, to make it safer for pedestrians and the extra build up of traffic. I think this was done about 1960’s when larger lorries had a job negotiating the bend.

Where the Catholic Church stands now, there was small wood known as The Plantation. Otherwise apart from the fashion of the ladies and the cars on the road Wrexham Road looks pretty much the same 101 years on.
Insert two photos – now & then

Guidance on handling and disposing of dead garden and wild birds.
Submitted By Nadine Leese

The advice here applies in all circumstances where members of the public may come across a dead bird, regardless of whether there is any avian influenza in the UK.

If you find a dead swan, goose or duck or three or more dead wild, or garden birds together in the same place, please report this to Defra, via Defra Helpline on 08459 33 55 77. The current Defra helpline opening hours are 09.00am to 5.00pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesday opening hours are 10.00am to 5.00pm. They may wish to have the birds examined for signs of specific diseases. They will advise you on what action you should take.

If the dead bird is a single, small garden, or wild bird the you do not need to call Defra. You should:
Leave it alone
Follow the guidelines below for disposal

Wild birds can carry several diseases that infectious to people and some simple hygiene precautions should minimise the risk of infection. It is hard for people to catch avian influenza from birds and following simple steps are also effective against avian influenza.

If you have to move a dead bird
1 Avoid touching the bird with your bare hands
2 If possible, wear disposable protective gloves when picking up and & handling (if not available see 7)
3 Place dead bird in a suitable plastic bag, preferably leak proof. Care should be taken not to contaminate the outside of the bag.
4 Tie the bag and place in a second plastic bag
5 Remove gloves by turning them inside out and then place in them in the second plastic bag. Tie the bag and dispose of in the normal household refuse bin.
6 Hands should then be washed thoroughly with soap and water
7 If disposable gloves are not available, a plastic bag can be used as a make-shift glove. When the dead bird is picked up, the bag can turned back on itself and tied. It should then be placed in a second plastic bag, tied and disposed of in the normal household waste.
8 Alternatively, the dead bird can be buried, but not in a plastic bag.
9 Any clothing that has been in contact with the dead bird should be washed using ordinary washing detergent at the temperature normally used for washing clothing
10 Any contaminated indoor surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned with normal household cleaner.