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I feel compelled to write to the Oracle in respect of the article that appeared on the front page of the November issue entitled "Old Timers and New Blood".  What puzzled me was the thought that the old team should be referred to as "deceased" only to be discussed in "hushed tones".  The writer may perceive it in this way, but this is not the impression I am getting from those that I have met. Why, people ask, should the writer feel it necessary to talk of retired members in such funereal terms, as if they are dead?  I can assure you we are all very much alive and well.


But what I also regretted, was that there was no reference in the article to two former major contributors to the old Oracle, namely Christine Stead (who replaced Maureen Evans), and Ken Farrell who, as a founder member in 1999, made a major contribution to the editorial content until his retirement in April 2003.  Ken was always writing articles and coming up with new ideas, which were then discussed at our editorial meetings.  And yes, I can now reveal the truth about Stargazer. We had a lot of fun keeping Stargazer's identity hidden, and I can now tell you that we all contributed to the Stargazer column. However, I feel sure some of your readers may have discovered this by recognising the different writing styles.


 When I was editor of the Oracle, it was viewed by many as a flagship village newspaper often praised for its editorial content - sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, and sometimes controversial, and I have no regrets for its former flamboyant style and spirit, which it now seems to lack, and still believe we were right to expose issues that we believed it was in the public interest to do so.  I know how hard it is to produce the Oracle month in, month out, continually trying to be as refreshing as one can, and I welcome the fact that not only is it still receiving financial support from the Community Council, but there is new blood, and that I, like the other "old-timers" can now sit back and enjoy the pleasure of reading it without having the burden of being totally committed to it.


My very best wishes to the team.

Alan Edwards




Congratulations to the family and welcome to Lydia Kate Evison who was born on the 2nd November at 0128hrs in Ysbty Maelor. Daughter of Lyn and Steve Evison. Lydia weighed eight pound. She is pictured below with her proud brother Lewis.

A warm welcome to the new arrivals

Lewis Evison aged 6 with sister Lydia

Alice, Brittany, Lois, Jacob, Imogen and Dave Jones

October heralded the eagerly anticipated birth of Jacob David John Jones.  Also born at Ysbty Maelor he arrived at 0800hrs 17th October weighing 8lbs 5ozs

Christmas at St Mary’s Church Overton


07th December at 1530hrs:        Christmas Party for Senior Citizens

(Anyone who has not received an invitation,

but would like to attend contact Keith Overthrow.)


 07th December at 1800hrs:       Nativity Play in Church pupils of St Mary’s


 12th December at 1630hrs  :       Christingle Service


 19th December at 1830hrs  :       Carols by Candlelight


 24th December at 2300hrs  :       Holy Eucharist for Christmas


 25th December at 0900hrs  :       Christmas Day Service


 Churches together carols around the Christmas Tree


 Monday 13th December at 1830hrs

Junior Disco

1930—2230hr Village Hall

December 10th 

Telephone 01978 710 786 or 01978 710 649 for an allocated number.

Seven Internal Flush doors (78inches by 30 inches)

Good Condition


Offers !!

Telephone 01978 710 052

Reclining Armchair VGC Cost over £300 new.  Dark Brown Velour. No reasonably offer refused. Telephone 01978 710 493

2 Mahogany Display Units Double Display size.  Also 1 ladies bike

Telephone 01978 710 428

The team would like to wish all of you a very happy Christmas and express a special thank you to all the distributors who ensure the Oracle is delivered each month

Can you help—if you would like to volunteer to distribute the Oracle then pleas contact us